Belzona 5871 is a two-component, polymeric, solvent free system providing a thermal insulation barrier with corrosion protection and thermal and sub- zero “cool-to-touch” properties.
This material is designed to be applied to metal pipework, ducting and other industrial equipment. Belzona 5871 is thermally insulating, providing protection against contact-burn injuries, eliminates corrosion/CUI, condensation and anti-icing, improving safety and durability.
Belzona 5871 can be applied by brush, cartridge or plural spray, expanding upon application to produce a lightweight, closed-cell foam. This reduces the surface temperature of metallic substrates to below 60°C (140°F) whilst providing corrosion protection.
Key Benefits
Excellent corrosion resistance prevents corrosion and eliminates corrosion under insulation (CUI)
Belzona 5871 can be brush or spray-applied, for both small, complex geometries or rapid application over a large area
Thermal and sub-zero cool-to-touch properties provide worksite personal protection and safety against contact-burn injuries
Expands up to three times the thickness it was originally applied, reducing the numbers of layers needed compared to conventional coating systems
Thermal insulation reduces the amount of heat transfer through a surface, increasing the efficiency of equipment
Solvent-free system
Applications for Belzona 5871
Tank/Vessel Externals
Industrial machinery and equipment